The True Cost Film Screening

Being a fashion blogger has opened my eyes to a lot about the fashion industry—not all of it good. You may have noticed that I love to attend clothing exchanges and I love supporting local designers and small businesses. I also don’t wear animals. People, animals, and the earth are important but they are often exploited in the name of business.

true costLast year I watched The True Cost, and I learned a lot about the human and environmental impacts of the fashion industry. The film sheds light on the wasteful nature of fast fashion and the horrible working conditions in the factories where cheap clothing is made.

This groundbreaking documentary asks the simple question: “Who made my clothes?” It features activists and green fashion companies too (it’s not all grim). And it drives home the obvious fact that no one should die making the styles we love to wear.

Click here to see the trailer.

Edit: I showed this film in Seattle last week and people were really moved by it. If you’d like to see it, it’s available on Netflix, iTunes, and Amazon. Please have a look and let me know what you think of it.




Filed under Ethical, Fashion, Film

8 responses to “The True Cost Film Screening

  1. Jennifer Hauge

    How cool, Jean! If totally be there if I lived in your neck of the woods. This is yet another extension of animal activism. Thanks for fighting the good fight. Hope you get a huge turnout and open some eyes to the vegan lifestyle by proxy.

  2. Stephanie

    Such a great idea. Wish I could come! Great tie-in for your new store too.

  3. Thank you so much for organizing this urgent event Jean! I’d be there if I lived in Seattle. The trailer is enough to make people aware of what we need to do. I hope everyone watches this film. I am looking into having it shown in our city.

    I’m reblogging this.

    Let’s make the world a better place for all. ❤

  4. Reblogged this on fashionable over 50 and commented:
    Let’s make it a better world for everyone!! ❤

  5. I’m so bummed I missed this. I have been wanting to see this!

  6. Pingback: WHO MADE MY CLOTHES? | fashionable over 50

  7. Pingback: The Deadly Cost of Fashion | fashion with compassion

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