Navy Maxi Dress and Organic Top

I’m getting more wear out of my dark blue maxi dress. You might have seen me style it for winter. Here’s the full dress, sans blazer. I wore it out for drinks with friends.

maxi dress

Maxi dress: Forever 21
Necklace: Swapped
Cuff: Claire’s
Sandals: Payless

I added a long necklace to keep the vertical theme going. It’s elongating. Earlier in the day, I wore this dress with a loose t-shirt over it, to change up the look.

t-shirt and dress

This isn’t just a plain shirt though. There’s a neat silkscreened pattern on the back of the shoulder.

top detail

The top is from Wildlife Works, a wonderful, sustainable company that employs workers in Kenya. By being gainfully employed in textiles, they don’t have to survive by killing wildlife or working in industries responsible for deforestation. Wildlife works has established sanctuaries for endangered animals, and has helped reduce poaching. They’ve created schools, funded healthcare, and helped improve agriculture practices.


Filed under Ethical, Fashion, Thrifty

6 responses to “Navy Maxi Dress and Organic Top

  1. Love that first look. You’re right -elongating! Makes you looks super tall!!! ~Sarah

  2. As if YOU need elongating! Leave those strategies to us short girls! Just kidding. Love your ethical t-shirt and your necklace! You look beautiful as always!

  3. dave g

    very awesome!

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