Last Post (of the year)

2016 was exciting, challenging, and full of change and opportunity. On a personal level, I’m happy. I followed my dream and opened up an eco boutique. On a global level, let’s just say I hope 2017 is better. 

I hope you have a terrific Christmas/Hanukkah/Holiday and New Year’s. I’ll leave you with a few photos of a dress I love. It’s organic cotton and made in the USA by Blue Canoe. 

See you in 2017!


Filed under Fashion

8 responses to “Last Post (of the year)

  1. You almost had me fooled with LAST POST! It was a very good year!

    You look so elegant in this dress. I love Blue Canoe, their styles and colours are beautiful. I am so happy with my Blue Canoe skirt.

    Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

    ❤ carmen

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